
These terms of use apply to the website www.skillflex.be. This is a website for the services offered by Skillflex People bvba, with KBO number 0669.836.567, and with registered office at Mosvennedreef 7, 3140 Keerbergen and business address at Hanswijkstraat 3 - 5, 2800 Mechelen, hereinafter referred to as Skillflex.

1. Scope

These terms of use apply to the above-mentioned website, any newsletter and/or account platform. However, this list is not restrictive. Not listed and/or, if applicable, new website applications also automatically fall under these terms of use. In addition to these terms of use, it is strongly recommended that you also consult the privacy statement with cookie policy, which can also be found on the website. By visiting the website, or by any use of it, you agree to the terms of use. If you do not agree with this, you are requested not to make any further use of the site.

2. Information display

All data on the site is maintained with the utmost care, but errors or gaps may nevertheless occur. Given the rapid evolution and complexity of the matters covered, our company cannot provide any guarantees regarding the accuracy, adequacy and completeness of the information provided. Therefore, Skillflex disclaims all liability for direct and indirect damage resulting from access to, consultation or use of the information, data and publications on the website and/or access to the use of interactive applications. The information does not replace advice or assistance in specific cases. The user remains fully liable for the choice of the information consulted and for the consequences of the use he/she makes of this information.

3. Intellectual rights

The texts, logo, images, codes, information, interactive applications, etc. belong to Skillflex and are legally protected by copyright. Copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, selling, adapting or changing the website, information or part thereof in any way is prohibited without the express, written and prior permission of Skillflex.

3. Intellectual rights

The texts, logo, images, codes, information, interactive applications, etc. belong to Skillflex and are legally protected by copyright. Copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, selling, adapting or changing the website, information or part thereof in any way is prohibited without the express, written and prior permission of Skillflex.

4. User Conduct

The user undertakes to use the websites, components or other accessible services with due care, in accordance with these terms of use and the applicable laws and regulations.

It is prohibited to use the services in a manner contrary to public order or morality, to transmit or upload obscene, unlawful, defamatory or threatening material or material that incites racism or xenophobia,

to send or upload material containing a commercial, advertising or promotional message. The websites, features or other accessible services may not be used to transmit or upload advertising, “junk mail,” spam, unsolicited chain letters, or any other message that is self-replicating or unwanted. They may not be used in any way that disrupts, damages or hinders the website, the services or the performance of third parties, e.g. through the transfer of unreasonably large files, they may not be used to transmit or upload viruses or other harmful programs.


  • You are responsible for mechanical and electrical maintenance of industrial equipment
  • installations Every morning you carry out test rounds so that the production machines can continue to run continuously
  • You carry out overhauls on machine parts including engines, pumps, etc.


5. Obligations of Skillflex with regard to the website


Our company makes every effort to ensure access and proper functioning of the websites. However, this only concerns an obligation of means and not an obligation of results. In principle, the website can always be consulted, except during periods of technical and substantive maintenance work or repair of defects. Our company cannot be held liable for damage resulting from unavailability of the website or any limitation in use, etc. It chooses at its own discretion the technical means necessary to optimally ensure access and proper functioning.


Our company tries to provide security for the websites within its capabilities and in a proportionate manner. Despite all efforts, internet services can never be completely free from possible security risks. Our company is not responsible for violations of confidentiality of any data, e.g. when the website or servers are attacked by third parties.

6. Social media and other links

The website may contain links to social media. When using these websites, the terms and conditions of the social media sites must also be complied with. These are interactive sites, so our company does not always have control over the content that third parties post on the sites in question and cannot therefore be held liable for this.

The same provision applies to any links to other websites or pages of partners/third parties. Placing links to these sites does not imply any implicit approval of their content. Our company expressly declares that it has no control over the content and other features of the websites and cannot be held liable for this or for damage resulting from their use. Reference is also made to the own terms of use of the relevant sites.